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  • Writer's pictureJody-Ann Stone

2020 IS MY YEAR!! COVID-19

The title of the blog probably alreday speaks for itself!

I told myself that 2020 was going to be my year, this year I was supposed to go out and do whatever I needed to do to make my dreams come true. Even though I did start a little bit early, I started my online boutique, I got a new job, I started writing my blog, me and my sister started our women EMPOWERMENT organization, we got a house and I was starting to feel like myself again and this was only three months into the year. I don't want to toot my own horn but I am doing damn good... And then boom, here comes the COVID 19!!! And now most of us are quarantined, temporarily unemployed, and parents trying to figure out who is going to watch their child(ren) for them to work. So many people are suffering, hurting and scared.

March 16 was my birthday, and instead of celebrating with my families and friends I spent the day at work cleaning up and closing down the centre for how long. We have no idea! Don't get me wrong I am happy that I live to see another birthday, but that was the birthday I have actually plan to go and enjoy and I wasn't able to do so. And then I started thinking about the saying where they say "man a plan and god a wipe" an that's when it hits me, I have had some much birthday I never thought of going all out to celebrate and now that I hit 24 and is ready to live my best life I am not able to that. Too often we take moments like this for granted, sitting around and waiting for that moment or for that one special day, not realizing that everyday that we wake up and is still breathing are special days. We all need to live is the moment and stop waiting because we never know when could be out last day or even if we will live to see tomorrow.

And with all time that some of us have on our hands, use this time to do something good. Perhaps doing some research, start a blog, read some books, start a YouTube channel, or even looking into starting a business are just researching about how you can start one. Don't let it go to waste by sitting at home thinking and wondering when this will over. Don't get me wrong we all want this to over soon, but sitting and stressing about it won't help us in any way.

There is so much sadness!! In all of my life on this earth, I have never seen or heard of anything like this. But despite all of what we are going through right now, please remember that "this too shall pass" and nothing is greater than the lord.. If you have never prayed before you may want to start now.. But also please stay inside unless you absolutely need to go outside, and reach out to all of your love ones an makes sure that they are doing good, because we are all in this together.

"I will not cause you pain without allowing something new to be born, say the lord" -Isaiah 66:9


Love and Light! Stay Strong!

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