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  • Writer's pictureJody-Ann Stone


We finally got outside today and to sow some seeds.

My daughter loves to help me with whatever I am doing around the house, whether its cleaning, cooking, baking, washing, and even planting. This makes my heart so full because I can see the excitement on her face when I do let her have her turn, she likes to say "shanni turn, mommy turn, then shanni turn again". I absolutely loves that she gets to see how everything is done, considering she love to eats fruits and vegetables so much. And with letting her helps she gets to see the works and everything that goes into all that the she loves to eat. Plus I rather planting my own fruits and vegetables whenever I can instead of buying them at the store, because fruits are so expensive especially strawberry and blueberry an she eats so much of them.

Mommies do you agree?? And do you let your child(ren) helps you around the house whether indoor or outdoor?? Just so that they see and understand all the work that goes into doing what we do.

I remember growing up it was just me, my mom and my sibling, after my dad leave to Canada. So my mom had to do whatever she had to sure we always have food in the house, and because of that she use to do a lot of farming in the back yard and she would get most of us to help her. And of course I was one of them, because I am what Jamaican would call 'TOMBWOY" meaning that I enjoy rough and boy like activities. The only tree that I know I can't climb is coconut tree any other I would just run up in them, and its so funny because I see so much of myself in my daughter.

Spring time is my favorite season of all, and what makes this season so special is because of all the new plants that start to bud and blossom and looks so beautiful. Which reminds me of new beginnings, why you may asked; because most of them loses their leaves during fall/winter and then spring up more beautiful than before in spring/summer time. I remember growing up my mom would not past beautiful roses/flowers on the road or on the street and not buy it or ask for a piece, and you better best believe that she will do everything to make sure that it doesn't die. Plus you better not go near them when your playing or even make your feet catch them or else she coming for you, an you better run.

So, to say the least I got it from my mama and my daughter get it from me. "I got it from my mama"! Considering she didn't get anything from me, she took everything from her dad.

So thank you mother!

I will continue to update pictures on my Instagram page @trou_bleandlife to show the process of our plants.

Mommies I want to hear from. What does your little ones enjoy?? Are they a outdoor person or not?? Also drop some activities that you are using to keep them busy during these times. #Quarantine

Love and Light! -Jody-Ann

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